Matanuska-Susitna Borough

DES Message on Holiday Fire Safety

Mat-Su | Jennifer Dawkins | Wednesday, December 20, 2023


Ensuring Fire Safety: Mat-Su Borough Department of Emergency Services Urges Community Members to Follow Crucial Fire Safety Tips

In light of recent tragic fires that have struck our community, the Mat-Su Borough Department of Emergency Services is emphasizing the critical importance of fire safety measures to protect lives and property. Regrettably, several members of our community have lost their lives in these devastating incidents, underscoring the urgency for increased awareness and proactive safety measures.

The Department urges all residents to prioritize the following fire safety tips:

Install and Maintain Smoke Alarms:

  • Smoke alarms save lives by providing valuable time to evacuate a building during a fire.
  • Ensure smoke alarms are installed in every bedroom, hallway outside bedrooms, and on each level of the building.
  • Adhere to State of Alaska regulation 18.10.090, which mandates the installation and maintenance of smoke detection and carbon monoxide devices in all dwelling units.
  • Mount smoke alarms on ceilings or high walls, as smoke rises. Replace batteries every six months, even for hard-wired smoke alarms, and replace the entire alarm every 8-10 years.

Develop a Home Fire Escape Plan:

  • Create a comprehensive Home Fire Escape Plan that includes the floorplan, highlighting all rooms, doors, and windows.
  • Clearly indicate two ways out of each room and two exit routes from the home.
  • Practice the escape plan at various times of the day and night to ensure everyone can evacuate within three minutes.

Stay Low and Keep Doors Closed:

  • Stay low to the ground while escaping a fire to avoid smoke and heated gases.
  • Sleep with bedroom doors closed to slow the entry of smoke into the room.
  • When encountering a closed door during escape, feel the door with the back of your hand. If it's hot, use an alternative exit.

To assist community members in enhancing their fire safety, the Mat-Su Borough Department of Emergency Services is offering a Smoke Alarm Installation Request Form. Residents in need of smoke alarms can access the form and submit the completed request to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for scheduling an installation.

By adopting these fire safety measures, residents can play a crucial role in preventing fire-related tragedies and safeguarding their families and homes.

For media inquiries, please contact: Brian Davis, Deputy Director – Fire/Rescue DES, 907-861-8003, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

