Matanuska-Susitna Borough

MAT-SU— Assembly Members, the Mayor, and the new Manager for the Matanuska-Susitna Borough listened to the testimony of more than 30 people in a crowded room last night in the first public hearing on the proposed Borough budget.

The testimony held a variety of views. Recipients of human services grants, matched with Borough funding, asked that the funding not be cut. Among the representatives were: seniors, food bank and food pantry directors, and non-profits.  Several Youth Court teens expressed to the Assembly how the nonprofit program transformed their lives by giving them confidence.

Members of the MAT-SU Convention and Visitors Bureau reminded the Assembly of the economic benefits of tourism. Educators and education proponents asked for more school district funding. EMTs for the Borough asked for more paramedics to better serve a community that has grown 50 percent in the last decade. A few in the audience asked for spending cuts.

Assembly Members have the difficult job of balancing funding requests with budget cuts in the proposed $378.9 million budget. The school district budget makes up 74 percent of the overall budget.

Assembly Members and the Mayor thanked the crowded room of mostly MAT-SU residents and shared remarks with the audience. The following are excerpts.

Mayor Larry DeVilbiss said he is actively pursuing new revenues for the matching grants for human services, which traditionally have been funded through area-wide tax money. He said he wants to start a benevolent human services fund for community members who want to create that match.

Assembly Member Noel Woods of district 2 (Palmer area) said “It looks like we have a two-tier economy separated by people who have jobs and people looking for jobs. A big problem we face is how to levy the same tax on both groups; some can easily pay, others are struggling.”

Assembly Member Jim Colver of district 6 (Hatcher Pass, Palmer-Wasilla Fishhook area) told seniors and food pantry staff, “Count on my support.”

Assembly Member Warren Keogh of district 1 (Knik River, Butte, north to Sutton, Chickaloon areas) thanked the audience for “guiding us along.” “One loud message we received tonight is to maintain the human services grant funding,” Keogh said.

Assembly Member Cindy Bettine of district 5 (Big Lake, Knik-Goose area) also reiterated her support for the traditional level of funding for human services grants. As for the rest of the budget, she said the Assembly is working on keeping valuable programs while trying to cut waste at the same time.

Assembly Member Mark Ewing of district 4 (greater Wasilla area) said he had already submitted budget cuts and had more in the works. He said he supported funding infrastructure, public safety, and education. Ewing said he wants to fund some of the social programs involving seniors, food banks, meals on wheels, The Children’s Place. He also supports funding to promote tourism, he said. “I also agree to full-time paramedics. I want somebody showing up at my house that knows what they’re doing.”

Deputy Mayor Ron Arvin of district 3 (core area, Bogard Road area south to Fairview Loop) made his remarks via the phone. “This is going to be difficult. I applaud the Assistant Borough Manager for bringing in a budget that was under the proposed budget last year.” “The low hanging fruit has been picked. I worry about how to do it (reduce budget).”

Assembly Member Vern Halter mentioned the positive direction the Borough is heading with coming benefits and jobs from the $218 million Port MacKenzie Railroad Extension and the $240 million state prison.  “A lot of big projects are going to pay tons of dividends to the Borough.”

Another public hearing is for tonight at 6 p.m. at the same location: 101 W. Swanson Ave (crossroads with Lucille Street) in Wasilla, the MAT-SU Public Safety Building.

Photos by Patty Sullivan/MSB top: Teen from Youth Court testifying about the benefits to the community. Top Right: At the table listening to testimony: Assembly Member Noel Woods, Manager John Moosey, Mayor Larry DeVilbiss, Borough Clerk Lonnie McKechnie, Assembly Member Mark Ewing. Not pictured Assembly Member Jim Colver, Assembly Member Cindy Bettine, Assembly Member Warren Keogh, Assembly Member Ron Arvin, Assembly Member Vern Halter, who also attended. Middle left: Crowd at the Central MAT-SU Public Safety Building listens to testimony. Lower left: Paramedic Ashley Cunnington of West Lakes Fire asks for paramedic funding. Bottom right: Assembly Member Vern Halter considering testimony.

For more information call Public Affairs Director Patty Sullivan at 745-9577 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.





