Matanuska-Susitna Borough

Are you living in a flood zone?

Mat-Su | Patty Sullivan | Wednesday, March 30, 2011

MAT-SU— In order for owners of property in a special flood hazard area to buy less expensive flood insurance, the Borough participates in the National Flood Insurance Program. To maintain eligibility in this program, homeowners must build to specific standards, such as building to, or above, the base flood elevation in their area.

Every 5 years FEMA comes to the Borough to inspect Borough processes to ensure we are operating in compliance with the National Flood Insurance Program. Their next visit is coming up this summer.

Shortly, owners of property in flood hazard areas will receive a letter announcing that Code Compliance Officers will be conducting an inventory of all parcels/lots in special flood hazard areas and comparing this inventory with structures that have been built to the standards in the Flood Hazard Development Permit. The permit is $100 to process and certified floodplain managers will review building plans to assure plans are in compliance with Borough flood regulations.

The Borough webpage is chock full of handy hints and suggestions for keeping your home safe in flooding situations. The new Flood Info button leads to information about how to best build in flood hazard areas and how to keep your belongings safe, secure, and dry.

For more information please contact Code Compliance at 745-9853.
