Matanuska-Susitna Borough

Amendment to reduce waiver subdivisions

Mat-Su | Patty Sullivan | Tuesday, September 01, 2009

MAT-SU— Last night the Assembly for the Matanuska-Susitna Borough amended the subdivision code by limiting the number of waiver subdivisions on a single parcel. The change to how large parcels are divided with a waiver will help prevent subdivisions from being developed in a piecemeal and sometimes haphazard fashion and will provide for a more comprehensive review of the development by the platting board.

Part of the intent of the waiver subdivision was to make subdividing affordable on large parcels. However oftentimes parcels have been “waivered” repeatedly and future landowners have wound up with shortcomings, among them:

  • oddly configured land
  • confusing access for emergency response
  • awkward road access for future landowners
  • poor drainage
  • poor traffic connections



flagstems2 Borough Planning Chief Eileen Probasco showed photos of waiver subdivisions with what's called “flagstems.” A flagstem is a narrow corridor created for access to a property. In some cases several long, narrow driveways run side by side through a single parcel, accessing property deep within the subdivision. In one case, access to four parcels has evolved into a runway for airplanes as well.

Eileen Probasco, MSB Chief of Planning“The cost of remedying some of those situations is borne by the taxpayers as a whole as opposed to the development when it occurs,” Probasco told the Assembly.

In the past the Borough has been asked to step in and acquire additional right-of-way to make the existing access safer.

Platting Process


Normally, a subdivision is created through the platting process, a comprehensive review to ensure sufficient space for roads, drainage, snow storage and access for emergency responder vehicles. 

The approved amendment grants a waiver subdivision one time only. The parcel can be divided into no more than four lots. Beyond that, the landowner must go through the platting process.

The Assembly voted down a second amendment to the subdivision code, this one for public use easements. Assembly Members decided the amendment for waivers would remedy the problems with public use easements.
For more information call Borough Chief of Planning Eileen Probasco at 745-9833 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Eileen Probasco


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