Matanuska-Susitna Borough

9.984 Mill Rate Adopted

Mat-Su | Patty Sullivan | Thursday, May 21, 2015

Last night the Matanuska-Susitna Borough Assembly adopted the budget for next fiscal year including in it new positions for responders, roads, and the landfill, as well as an increase in funding to schools, all while facing declining revenues and a growing demand for services.

The new areawide mill rate is 9.984 up some from last year's 9.66. The new mill rate will tax $9.984 per every $1,000 in assessed property value.

Mayor Larry DeVilbiss said a veto is coming, however. DeVilbiss has until next Wed. to deliver his vetoes.

Listen to remarks on the budget of Assembly Members and the Mayor to the right.

Schools will receive a $1.388 million increase. The School District will also be able to hang onto $10 million in a fund balance as called for by an amendment by Assembly Member Matthew Beck.

The Assembly added positions for 3 paramedics, 2 EMT IIIs, 2 EMT IIs, and 1 EMT I for some $905,000 as brought forward by Assembly Member Dan Mayfield. Four ambulances with many road miles on them will be remounted for $540,000. The ambulance amendment was originally sponsored by Mayfield but went through long discussions and amendments with all assembly members debating whether to buy new or remount the ambulance box on a new chassis.

Assembly Member Mayfield added two new full-time, fire service area assistants to the West Lakes Fire Service Area. Mayfield also converted a vacant captain position plus funding to create two firefighter/engineer/driver positions for Central Mat-Su Fire Dept. Assembly Member Vern Halter asked that Houston receive $9,500 to paint and upgrade the Houston Fire Hall. Halter also added $100,000 in a principal payment for the Revolving Loan with the Willow Fire Service Area toward the purchase of a Nancy Lake property for the fire department.

Increases in fees for several items such as ambulances, ice rink time, construction demolition disposal will help offset some declining revenues. A new filming production permit will charge $500 for commercial cable/TV producers filming on Borough lands. Animal Planet was filming the Mayor's cows last night, he said.

Over the next four years, the property tax exemption given to seniors and disabled veterans will reduce tax revenue by $5.9 million, according to Finance Director Tammy Clayton.

Groups such as SART and Youth Court will receive $150,000 each.

Assembly Member Mathew Beck advocated for a $50,000 grant to Youth Court. Assembly Members Steve Colligan and Deputy Mayor Ron Arvin suggested an increase to $150,000, which was adopted. Beck also proposed giving $90,000 to SART, Sexual Assault Response Team. Colligan asked to increase the funding to $150,000 and to identify its funding source and Youth Court's as the tobacco tax revenue.

Assembly Member Beck asked to give the three cities block grants. Assembly Member Jim Sykes amended two of the amounts, $40,000 to Palmer, and $45,000 to Wasilla. Houston is slated to receive $21,000.

Assembly Member Jim Sykes asked for four full-time road maintenance technicians. Assembly Member Colligan amended the request to two full-time road maintenance technicians, which was adopted. Sykes added funding for Alcantra Field repair, a Parks & Recreation vehicle, and safety upgrades to a small park off Knik Goose Bay Road: Birch Harbor Estates Park.

Sykes thanked the Assembly for approving up to $15,000 for online viewing of the Borough's checkbook as he calls it. The computer software will make the budget process next year more transparent, he said.

Assembly Members Halter and Arvin supported an adopted amendment that transfers $150,000 from the Dorothy Swanda Jones building refurbishing project to a non-profit Alaska Scholastic Clay Target Program for buying land for a shooting site.

Assembly Member Mayfield also redirected funds from the administration building upgrading project toward maintenance at Port MacKenzie. Mayfield also requested $25,000 go toward the Big Lake Lions Community Center.

 The best browsers to hear the audio are Chrome and Firefox. Audio has been cutting out with Internet Explorer and Safari.

To see amendments visit the Borough's budget webpage.

or contact Patty Sullivan, Mat-Su Borough Public Affairs Director, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




Assembly Member Sykes

Assembly Member Halter

Assembly Member Beck

Deputy Mayor Arvin

Assembly Member Colligan

Assembly Member Doty

Assembly Member Mayfield

Mayor DeVilbiss