Matanuska-Susitna Borough

8am update MAT-SU flood Sept. 22

Mat-Su | Patty Sullivan | Saturday, September 22, 2012

MAT-SU— After managing a response to a fierce, wet storm round the clock for five days, the emergency team in the Matanuska-Susitna Borough will get some relief today with the arrival of a Type 2 Incident Management team sent in by the State to assist in disaster response. The Type 2 team arrives after a disaster declaration by Borough Manager John Moosey on Sept. 20. The type of team responding is dictated by the size and complexity of an event. Over the course of the event a few hundred have been responding, including Borough responders and staff, Anchorage responders, state agencies, volunteers, utilities, and contractors. At least three structures have fallen in water, two cabins in Willow Creek, and one house Thursday in the Matanuska River. More than half the town of Talkeetna left homes yesterday, according to Talkeetna Fire Chief Ken Farina, after a fight to plug a breached revetment was lost to the Talkeetna River. The river crested at the second highest recorded level reaching 15.65 feet at 5 pm yesterday, according to a NOAA site. Don’t drink the water in Talkeetna yet or anywhere with flooded wells The septage lagoon was dispersed by high water. THIS IS NOT ACCURATE. THE SEPTIC SYSTEM WAS NOT COMPRISED. CORRECTED SEPT. 23. Flooded wells may be contaminated with bacteria or other microorganisms that can cause illness. The Borough is asking the Alaska Dept. of Environmental Conservation to test the water. Don’t drink the water anywhere in which wells are flooded. Informational packets will be pushed out in communities as soon as possible. Butte near Ye Old River Road evacuates The Matanuska River left its bed yesterday and breached the road revetment at Maud Road sending water over the bike path along the Old Glenn Highway toward some 14 homes near Ye Old River Road. Residents were busy evacuating and sandbagging property yesterday. Wasilla Creek moves into large subdivision Meadow Brook Firefighters knocked on doors on Tiffany Drive to Roy Circle and some on Jean Dr. in Meadow Brook letting them know sandbags are down the street at the Riparian and Tiffany intersection. The creek was six inches high on the subdivision road, flowing over driveways, and approaching some 17 homes. Three shelters and an RV spot for evacuees are open in the Borough. A map is on the Borough website and on facebook. Sandbags are placed around the Borough for residents to pick up -Tiffany & Riparian in Meadow Brook subdivision -Sutton Fire Station -Talkeetna Elementary, Mile 15 Talkeetna Spur -Milner Les Maynard Public Safety Building 7731 East Bogard On the Glenn Highway The Moose Creek bridge has erosion damage The concrete buttress has been undercut by the flowing water but is still passable, DOT, Transportation, on scene making repairs as needed. Photo by Casey Cook, Emergency Manager, of the Old Glenn Highway and water from the Mat River running down the bike path toward Ye Old River Road. For more information call PIO Patty Sullivan on the EOC PIO desk at 373-5378.
