Matanuska-Susitna Borough

8 pm Talkeetna

Mat-Su | Patty Sullivan | Friday, September 21, 2012

8 pm Talkeetna update


Water continues to rise in East Talkeetna, now covering parts of the Talkeetna State Airport runway. The intersection of Second Street and F in East Talkeetna is closed to vehicle traffic due to high, flowing water. In downtown Talkeetna, water has not breached the wall of sandbags at the end of Main Street, however certain areas are flooding.

A trench dug across Second Street on the downtown side has successfully diverted water, but that road is now impassable to traffic. A backed-up culvert under the AKRR tracks downtown has caused considerable damage to several businesses near the railroad tracks; the inundated culvert is expected to lead to further flooding downtown as water rises. Emergency personnel are awaiting delivery of more sandbags en route from the lower Valley.

—Maureen McLaughlin, Talkeetna
