Matanuska-Susitna Borough

100 railcar loop: only at Port MacKenzie

Mat-Su | Patty Sullivan | Monday, December 20, 2010

driverGov. Sean Parnell stands behind the Port MacKenzie Rail extension by dedicating $20 million to the project in his capital budget. Learn why this project will bring tremendous benefit to Alaska.

You can view three videos with former Anchorage Mayor Rick Mystrom giving you the numbers.

They are on the Borough's YouTube channel, always accessible through our web site.

One video is a short 5 minute overview.
Two videos are more in-depth, part one and part two for the fans of mineral production, Alaska exports to Asia

There's no other port in Alaska building a 100-rail car loop. Port MacKenzie will rise to the top of the list of other Alaska ports as an ideal space for sizeable manufacturing projects. Port MacKenzie Rail project will boost State revenues, jobs, & mineral production.

See a live presentation by Rick Mystrom at the Palmer Chamber Feb. 16.

Photo: Driver of a scaper working on the haul road at Port MacKenzie last summer. By Patty Sullivan/MSB.

For more information call Public Affairs Director Patty Sullivan 355-0103 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


