Matanuska-Susitna Borough

$54 million in road projects this summer

Mat-Su | Patty Sullivan | Thursday, January 17, 2013

This summer $54 million in road projects will get underway in the Matanuska-Susitna Borough including some road bond projects and other capital projects. "That is a big construction program," said Joe Perkins, hired by the Borough to review and support development of the projects. "That's at least 11 separate construction contracts with an average size of them, $5 million. That is a big load, " Perkins said.

Perkins is the Borough's executive project manager on the Port MacKenzie Rail Extension. Perkins is assisting, given that Borough Public Works also has school projects from a $214 million school bond to build.

Perkins gave an overview of which projects are in design and which will have dirt turning on them this summer.

Download a list of the road projects (link in sidebar) slated for construction or design this summer.

"It's always good to hear things are moving," Mayor Larry DeVilbiss said.

Perkins said we plan to go out with a request for proposals for a construction management firm to manage the road contracts. He is expected to submit a firm to the Assembly by March.

The road bond projects under construction this summer include:

  • Caswell Lakes Road
  • Hawk Lane
  • Willow Lake Drive
  • Access to Machetanz Elementary, just the bridge across the railroad this summer could be built
  • Sullivan & Caudill off Old Glenn Highway and Butte, Old Glenn pathway. We will build pathway from Plumley to Sullivan. From Sullivan to the river it's DOT right of way.  We can't build there yet, Perkins said.
  • Sutton paved pathway
  • Wasilla Clapp/Mack Road under construction this summer.
  • Big Lake Intersection: a project just to fix drainage this summer. Northshore Drive, Big Lake Road and South Big Lake Road.

$31.8 million is the total for the bonds from the borough and state match. ($25.4 million construction value)

