Matanuska-Susitna Borough

Humor, insight, part of Salmon Symposium

Mat-Su | Patty Sullivan | Sunday, November 07, 2010

fishworshipMAT-SU— Fish Worship, Is it Wrong? Artist and author Ray Troll shares his thoughts on all things fish in his keynote address “Salmon are Cool” at this year’s MAT-SU Salmon Symposium.

Free and open to the public, the symposium is where you’ll pick up the latest research on MAT-SU salmon. More than 20 speakers will cover topics such as the economics of sport fishing, personal use fisheries, salmon spawning distribution, habitat restoration and land use suitability.

Mark your calendar. The event is Nov. 16 & 17, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Central MAT-SU Public Safety Building in Wasilla, 101 W. Swanson Ave.

The Matanuska-Susitna Basin Salmon Habitat Partnership believes that thriving fish, healthy habitats, and vital communities can co-exist in the MAT-SU Basin.

Partnership organizations sponsoring the event include the MAT-SU Borough, The Nature Conservancy, Chickaloon Native Village, Conoco Phillips Alaska, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and MAT-SU Anglers.

Ray Troll gives the keynote talk Tuesday morning to kick off the event. Tuesday night join Troll at Evangelos Restaurant, mile 40 Parks Highway, at 7 p.m. when he’ll present “Fish Worship Is It Wrong” for the general public. His t-shirts and books will be available.

The symposium started in 2008 as a forum to share information on conservation and research projects related to MAT-SU Basin watersheds, salmon, and their habitat. The partnership programs have been recognized nationally with a Cooperative Conservation Award from the U.S. Department of the Interior.

Registration for daytime sessions is encouraged.

For more information contact: Corinne Smith, corinne_This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (907) 276-3133x121 or Borough Planner Frankie Barker, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (907)746- 7439

Art by Ray Troll.

Partnership members are: the Matanuska-Susitna Borough • Alaska Dept. of Commerce, Community & Economic Development ? Alaska Dept. of Environmental Conservation ? Alaska Dept. of Fish & Game ? Alaska Dept. of Natural Resources ? Alaska Dept. of Transportation & Public Facilities ? Alaska Center for the Environment ? Alaska Outdoor Council ? Alaska Railroad Corporation ? Alaskans for Palmer Hay Flats ? Aquatic Restoration & Research Institute ? Bureau of Land Management ? Butte Area Residents Civic Organization ? Chickaloon Village Traditional Council ? ConocoPhillips Alaska, Inc. ? Cook Inlet Aquaculture Association ? Cook Inletkeeper ? Environmental Protection Agency ? Fishtales River Guides ? Friends of MAT-SU ? Glacier Ridge Properties ? Great Land Trust ? HDR Alaska Inc. ? Knik River Watershed Group ? Matanuska River Watershed Coalition ? National Marine Fisheries Service ? National Park Service ? Native Village of Eklutna ? Natural Resources Conservation Service ? Palmer Soil & Water Conservation District ? Sierra Club ? The Conservation Fund ? The Nature Conservancy ? Upper Susitna Soil & Water Conservation District ? US Army Corps of Engineers ? US Fish & Wildlife Service ? US Geological Survey ? USDA Forest Service ? Wasilla Soil & Water Conservation District ? The Wildlifers


