Matanuska-Susitna Borough

Governor Parnell tours Goose Creek Correction

Mat-Su | Patty Sullivan | Thursday, July 22, 2010

presser_shotMAT-SU — Construction at the Goose Creek Correctional Center marches smartly on with “substantial completion” expected September of 2011. Governor Parnell toured the progress today noting the vehicle filled parking lot from the estimated 300 construction workers.

“The Center is a hybrid of great ideas we’ve witnessed in Corrections”, said Commissioner Schmidt of the Department of Corrections, “Prisoners do their own work, get their GEDs or secondary education, learn a skill; the focus is on transition once the prisoners are released.”

Just a few of the many innovations include: space devoted to various religious beliefs; classrooms with certified educators teaching several vocational fields and music; medical spaces including a negative pressure infirmary for patients with communicable diseases, a dental treatment center, and a mental health clinic.

Upon intake, prisoners are issued clothing and linens and are psychologically evaluated to determine proper housing. Each of the three housing units features natural light through a central skylight. Every building on the site is a secure compartment with high efficiency planning for power and fuel consumption. Additionally, in case of emergency the Center will maintain 60 days worth of supplies once operational.


