Matanuska-Susitna Borough

Celebrate recycling center opening Jan. 6

Mat-Su | Patty Sullivan | Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Screen_shot_2010-12-29_at_7.08.10_PMMAT-SU— Diverting the resources from the MAT-SU landfill has never been easier or the capacity to do so greater. See for yourself at the opening celebration of the $3.9 million facility known as the first Regional Resource Recovery and Training Park in Alaska on Jan. 6, Thursday, at 3 p.m.

The non-profit, Valley Community for Recycling Solutions, moved into the new building two weeks ago. The new center is next to the landfill and Animal Care off 49th State Street at 9465 E. Chanlyut Circle, which means “new beginning” in Athabaskan.

Among the event speakers are:

• Former Alaska State Sen. Lyda Green

• MAT-SU College Director Talis Colberg

• Pete Grogan with International Paper

In 2009, VCRS pulled 1,400 tons out of the waste stream that was heading for the landfill. “That’s just a drop in the bucket and was at our old facility,” said Mollie Boyer, executive director of VCRS. The new goal is 50 tons a day or 25 percent of the waste stream going into the landfill. Some 195 tons of garbage goes in the landfill each day.

“I know that sounds aggressive, and it will take us awhile. But you have to have a goal,” Boyer said.

Boyer was instrumental in rallying the support that made the center walls go up. Tremendous community volunteerism, state, federal, and local grants and support made it happen.

The Borough owns the 23,600 square-foot building and the land. VCRS will manage and operate the center under a 20-year agreement.

“We’re focused on capturing the resources from the waste and using the materials locally to develop products and encourage economic development,” Boyer said.

The company, Thermo-Kool, recently relocated its office to the MAT-SU and purchased a machine for handling cardboard. The company specializes in insulation and hydro-seed. In 2010 as of October, Thermo-Kool diverted 640 tons of newspaper and mixed paper from the recycling center for its products. Insulation from the company is even in the 16-inch walls of the new center’s classroom and offices.

Come enjoy an upbeat event with us. The Waxwings are singing.

To RSVP on the event call Kathy Rocci, Secretary Economic Development 745-7519. Reporters call Public Affairs Director Patty Sullivan 355-0103. Or call VCRS at 745-5544.

Photo by Carol Vardeman/MSB.

CORRECTION: The cost of the facility is $3.9 million down from an expected $6.5 million as reported earlier.


