Matanuska-Susitna Borough

28 dogs from lot removed

Mat-Su | Patty Sullivan | Friday, May 31, 2013

BIG LAKE—Twenty-eight dogs were taken into protective custody at the Matanuska-Susitna Borough Animal Care facility Thursday afternoon from a dog lot in Big Lake after dogs were found with serious skin conditions and in stages of starvation.

The dogs were removed from the lot of George Shell of Big Lake, after a search warrant was served in order to evaluate the dogs. Shell was contacted by MAT-SU Borough Animal Care Officer Darla Erskine in an effort to get the dog lot into compliance with MSB Title 24. After multiple visits and phone calls Officer Erskine served Shell citations for violating MSB Title 24.05.080 and 24.10.020(A): failure to provide humane care by not adequately treating the dogs for lice and/or mange, not supplying sufficient supplies of nutritious food and water, and failure to license a kennel. As a result of the search, 24 dogs and 4 puppies were taken into protective custody.

Mange is caused by parasitic mites, affecting animals and sometimes humans and characterized by loss of hair and scabby eruptions.

MSB Title 24.05.100 allows the chief animal care and regulation officer to authorize the taking of an animal into protective custody when the animal’s health is endangered.

At this time the Borough’s Veterinarian, Dr. Katrina Zwolinski, is evaluating the dogs and prescribing treatment to include rehydration, therapy for malnutrition and serious skin conditions. 

As this is an open case, Animal Care is unable to provide additional details. Animal Care Manager Carol Vardeman 761-7505 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
