Matanuska-Susitna Borough

Assembly adopts Matthews PSB

Mat-Su | Patty Sullivan | Monday, November 22, 2010

Naming the Lake Louise Warm Storage facility the Matthews Public Safety Building and extending the terms of port commissioners, were some of the topics that drew support from the Matanuska-Susitna Borough Assembly tonight. (Nov. 23).

Port commissioner membership has been extended from two consecutive three-year terms, to three consecutive three-year terms. Deputy Mayor Ron Arvin sponsored the legislation.  Arvin said the Borough benefits from Port Commissioners with institutional knowledge as port development moves into high gear.

The Lake Louise Warm Storage Facility is now called the Matthews Public Safety Building after Bev and Corky Matthews, longtime responders in Lake Louise. Public buildings are non-existent in this remote community 129 miles up the Glenn Highway and Lake Louise Road from Palmer. No longer will responders have to store medical fluids and oxygen in their homes rather than in the frozen ambulance because of this new facility. Some 56 community members voted in support of the dedication to the Matthews. Assembly Member Cindy Bettine said the dedication to the Matthews is fitting.

The Assembly agreed to direct the Borough Manager to investigate the potential acquisition of adjoining land next to Academy Charter School so the school can expand. Assembly Member Jim Colver sponsored the ordinance and amended it. The inquiry is a non-code ordinance. The school exists already. “The Borough merely needs to explore suitability, price, and feasibility of acquiring an adjoining parcel,” the legislation states.

The make up of the Mayor’s Blue Ribbon Sportsmen’s Committee was changed to include more at-large seats. The seven-member committee includes: one sports fishing representative, one hunting representative, and four at-large positions, as well as a Borough representative. Assembly Member Jim Colver sponsored the change.

Assembly Member Warren Keogh described the committee as an important body doing effective work as they try to maintain fish returns on the Susitna watershed.

For more information visit the Assembly page to view legislation under Assembly E Packet.

Or call Borough Clerk Lonnie McKechnie at 745-9681.
