Matanuska-Susitna Borough

13 local road projects in Prop. 2

Mat-Su | Patty Sullivan | Wednesday, September 15, 2010

MAT-SU— On Oct. 5, MAT-SU voters will decide whether to invest in local roads. The Matanuska-Susitna Borough Assembly recently approved putting a $32.5 million road bond package on the October ballot to pay for 13 road projects ranging from Talkeetna to Palmer. The cost to Borough taxpayers would be $36.65 per year on $100,000 of assessed taxable property for 20 years.

Matanuska-Susitna Borough Assembly Member Jim Colver of district 6, is a co-sponsor of the ordinance. “Federal funding is drying up and state funding is unpredictable with oil reserves continuing to decline. Our roads are serving the fastest growing region of Alaska and yet we don’t have a developed road network like Anchorage or Fairbanks. By connecting and upgrading these roads, we will reduce driving-time for commuters and business deliveries, we will reduce fatal accidents, and divert local traffic off main highways. These road bonds are the first step in solving these issues,” Colver said.

The road bonds will pay the cost of the 13 road projects.

The MAT-SU would set an example as the only community in the state paying for a road bond package by itself.

“Passing a locally funded road bond package shows how committed we are to making our local roads safer and more efficient,” said Matanuska-Susitna Borough Assembly Member Ron Arvin of district 3.

“The federal and state government should be responsible for upgrading our main arterials, but they are currently struggling to keep up with maintenance. Our lack of an adequate local transportation grid forces our residents to use the main highways for local trips causing overcapacity, increased accidents, and huge time delays. To keep pace with the demands on our transportation network we must be willing to help ourselves,” Arvin said.

A table of the 13 road projects is attached. Construction from the projects will disrupt traffic in summer months.

For more information call Brad Sworts, Transportation Division Manager at 746-7430 or Assembly Member Jim Colver at 746-5300 and Assembly Member Ron Arvin at 373-6685


Photo of Knik Goose Bay and Parks Hwy. intersection by Mike Weller, Traffic Technician, MAT-SU Borough.
