Matanuska-Susitna Borough

Debarment/Suspension Listing


Phone: (907) 861-8601
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

MSB 3.08.235 (H)- The purchasing officer shall maintain a list of all persons debarred or suspended from consideration for award of contracts. Debarment or suspension of an individual under one business name is effective for all business names under which the individual operates. Debarment or suspension of any entity is effective as to any other entity in which an individual or combination of individuals common to both entities have a 20 percent or greater interest in both entities.

Any interested contractor wanting to submit a bid on MSB projects should first review the below list. Any submission of a bid, with participation or involvement of an individual, company, firm or corporation on this list will render their bid as non-responsible.

Debarment List

Company NameDate of DebarmentEnd Date
No companies are currently debarred.

Suspension List

Company NameDate of SuspensionEnd Date
No companies are currently suspended.