Matanuska-Susitna Borough

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New Talkeetna Water System Upgrades Page

Transit Development


In December 2022, the U.S. Census designated a portion of the Core Area of the Matanuska-Susitna Borough (MSB) as an "urbanized area" or UZA. Along with the new designation comes a change in Federal Transit Administration (FTA) funding allocations. Currently, non-profit transit and health and human service organizations operate transit in the borough and rely on FTA 5311 Rural Transit funding for operations. Within the UZA, 5311 funding is no longer allowed, and providers must instead utilize FTA 5307, or Urban Transit, funds. Unlike the 5311 Rural Transit funds, the 5307 funds cannot be given directly to a non-profit organization. Instead, FTA and the State of Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities (AKDOT&PF) will work with the borough to assign a direct recipient to receive the funds. A direct recipient must be a local governmental organization who, in our case, will facilitate pass-through grant funding or will contract transit providers for services in the UZA.

The MSB is currently in the process of designing a direct recipient program structure. The program would set the MSB, or another local governmental entity, up to be the direct recipient of FTA 5307 funds, providing a way for transit providers within the UZA to continue receiving funding for operations, and preventing a gap in transit services for borough residents. The federal fiscal cycle begins October 1, 2023, and planning staff is working hard alongside AKDOT and R&M Consulting to have a proposed program structure by the start of the new fiscal year. 


If you have any questions about Transit Development please don't hesitate to reach out!

Maija DiSalvo: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. // 907-861-7865


Maija DiSalvo
Planner II
(907) 861-7865
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Project Docs

Mat-Su Borough Transit Continuity Plan (PDF 3.67 MB)   |  260 hits

Beverly Lake, Lake Management Plan


The Beverly Lake, Lake Management Plan (LMP) was adopted by the MSB Assembly on December 20, 2022 via Ordinance No. 22-078.

For details on the Beverly Lake LMP, see the link below for the project page. 

Beverly Lake Website

Project Status

The Beverly Lake LMP was adopted by the Borough Assembly on December 20, 2022.


Kelsey Anderson
Planner III
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Project Docs

Adopted Beverly Lake, Lake Management Plan (pdf 9.79 MB)   |  554 hits

Ordinance No. 22-078 (pdf 286.9 KB)   |  525 hits

Pre-Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO)


In December of 2022, the Department of Commerce will release the list of newly designated Urbanized Areas (UZAs) in the Federal Register. All new UZAs will have to form a Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) within one year from the date of the Federal Register notice. MPOs in these areas are required in order to receive federal transportation funding. After designation as an MPO, the MPO will have to review its metropolitan planning area boundaries every ten years after receipt of the new census data.

Following the 2020 census, the core of the Mat-Su’s Core Population will likely be designated as a Census Urbanized Area and will subsequently trigger the need for a Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO).

Growth in the MSB has continued since the 2010 Census. According to estimates, the population of the Borough has grown from 88,995 to 97,882 in 2014 estimates. This is a growth rate of 10% while, by comparison, the state of Alaska’s population has grown by 3% during that same time period.


MPO Project Updates


Project Benefits

MPOs are formed to carry out the transportation planning process within a metropolitan area. The MPO is the policy board, designated by the Governor, and carries out a continuing, cooperative and comprehensive performance-based multimodal transportation planning process, including the development of a Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) and a transportation improvement program (TIP). This process is done in cooperation with the State and public transportation operators and under the guidance of a robust public participation plan.

MPOs are responsible for ensuring that federal-aid transportation projects in the metropolitan area result from a continuing, comprehensive, and cooperative transportation planning process. To this end, a cooperative consultation process with the State is necessary in the development of the MPO. In addition, a consultation process is required with the State and other Alaska MPOs to determine funding levels for all affected MPOs. The objective of this contract is to lay out a blueprint for creating the Mat-Su Valley’s MPO. The blueprint will identify stakeholders, evaluate different organizational models, and recommend a path forward.


Alex Strawn
Planning and Land Use Director
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Project Docs

Draft UPWP (pdf 1.34 MB)   |  554 hits

Sub-Area Solution Studies


The Matanuska-Susitna Borough (MSB) is preparing the Sub-Area Solutions Studies (SASS) to improve its current road network by recommending wise investments to develop new or improve existing arterial and collector roadways in four growing sub-areas within the MSB:

1. University Medical District (UMED) 

2. Fishhook Triangle 

3. Bogard – Seldon

4. Knik Goose Bay – Big Lake


 SASS Project Page


The SASS will provide technical analysis of transportation needs and identify both road infrastructure improvements and complementary non-infrastructure policies that align with the MSB’s vision, mission, and values. It will focus on alternatives and recommendations that: 

1. Foster economic growth and diversification within the MSB

2. Support the delivery of high-quality MSB services

3. Help manage growth throughout the MSB 

Throughout this study the MSB will engage with the public, stakeholders, and partner agencies to collect local input that will guide the development of the study. 



Julie Spackman 
Long Range Planner 
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