Matanuska-Susitna Borough

Plans > Community Wildfire Protection Plan - 2008

This plan has been updated and replaced by a newer plan. See Updated Plan

Plan Overview

The Matanuska-Susitna Borough is one of the fastest growing regions in the State of Alaska. The population boom has caused significant increase in new construction for both homes and business, resulting in a rapidly growing wildland-urban interface (WUI).

Wildfire risk has increased in recent years due to increased human activities, spruce bark beetle infestation, and climatic changes that have led to warmer, drier summers.

While the MSB government has been working to protect individuals, communities and properties through FireWise and Hazard Fuel Reduction programs, a need for improved collaboration and the establishment of Community Wildfire Protection Plans (CWPPs) has become a top priority.

MSB developed an umbrella (area-wide) CWPP to model the process and  develop the methodology necessary for developing future community level CWPPs.

First developed in 2008, the MSB CWPP is still needed with as much urgency today.

Plan Document


Plans > 2023 Coordinated Human Services Transportation Plan

Plan Overview

The vision of the Coordinated Human Services Plan is to create a sustainable, multi-modal transportation network that effectively meets the transportation needs of Mat-Su Borough residents of all ages and abilities.

Plan Justification

The plan helps to enhance mobility for senior citizens, individuals with disabilities, individuals with low incomes, and other groups lacking adequate transportation in the Mat-Su Borough through improved public transit and human service transportation coordination.


Plans > Material Asset Management Plan (2005)

Plan Overview

The MSB designed this plan as an inventory, for the purpose of classifying parcels as "material lands" and to update its material resource inventory.

Nominated parcels had to meet three criteria:

  • be within one mile of an access corridor (road, rail, or water);
  • contain commercial quantities of sand and gravel; and
  • be economically feasible to develop.

The Borough's core area west of Palmer was excluded from the study area.

After nomination, each parcel was researched to meet the Borough's classification process, including a preliminary best interest finding. Only existing information was specified for use on the project, including maps, records, and tables; no field work such as drilling or excavation was planned.

TCA developed the GIS base, with approximately 580 initial parcels (2003), using existing information (maps, aerial photographs, plats), and conducted limited field verification of all parcels that were accessible by road or trails.

All parcels are considered to have high potential for sand and gravel materials, but final development should be based on actual test drilling, core sampling, and confirmation of gravel presence.

Plan Justification

In the spring of 2004, the Matanuska-Susitna Borough (MSB) issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) to prepare a sand and gravel asset management plan.

Northern Econom ics, Inc. teamed with Tom Crafford & Associates (TCA) to provide both geological and economic services related to the resource. The team's proposal was successful, and a notice to proceed was issued in July.

This draft report, coupled with the Geographical Information System (GIS) files on a compact disk (CD), presents project results. This gravel asset management plan identifies parcels that contain commercial quantities of sand and gravel and that are socially and economically feasible to develop.

This is the first phase of the project; MSB staff will issue notices to community councils and other adjacent landowners. Responses will be incorporated into the final project report.


Plans > Economic Development Strategic Plan

Plan Overview

The Mat-Su Borough is the premier destination for quality developmentand jobs in Alaska.

This vision statement presents a clear focus for MSB’s economic development efforts withaggressive, yet attainable, goals. Mat-Su will establish itself as a magnet for the highestquality development and jobs within the state of Alaska.

This vision, however, can only be reached if goals are established as pillars to support keyproposals. We believe that the following five goals will accomplish that:

  • Goal One: Position Mat-Su for sustainable economic growth and vitality.
  • Goal Two: Build capacity to conduct economic development within the Borough.
  • Goal Three: Expand Mat-Su’s economic development infrastructure.
  • Goal Four: Attract, retain, and engage talent.
  • Goal Five: Raise awareness of economic development opportunities.


Plans > Chase Comprehensive Plan (1993)

This plan has been updated and replaced by a newer plan. See Updated Plan

Plan Overview

1993 Comprehensive Plan for Chase Community.
