Matanuska-Susitna Borough

The Sockeye Fire is 92 percent contained

Mat-Su | Rachael Richardson | Wednesday, June 24, 2015


The Sockeye Fire is 92 percent contained. Firefighters continue to patrol fire lines and work the remaining portions of the uncontained perimeter along scattered sections of the Susitna River, Willow Creek and Little Willow Creek.


More than 200 community members attended an open house last night at the Willow Community Center to learn about some of the resources available to them following the fire. Among the participating organizations were the Matanuska-Susitna Borough, Red Cross, Alaska Department of Homeland Security, Alaska Division of Insurance, Alaska Division of Forestry, and the Willow Citizen Emergency Response Team.


More than 400 personnel are still working the fire.  Crews will continue to be released and become available to work other fires in Alaska. Area residents and travelers on the Parks Highway are asked to be alert and drive carefully because of continued firefighting activity.


Residents should expect to continue seeing minor fire activity within the burn perimeter.  Scattered smokes and small flames, such as a smoldering log, should not be reported. Report anything that involves a structure or is an imminent threat to life or property. Report potential issues between 6 p.m. and 7 a.m. to Sockeye Fire security, (928) 864-9435.


Flight restrictions

Pilots are reminded that Temporary Flight Restrictions remain in place for the Sockeye Fire area because of the continued potential for aircraft activity related to fire suppression. On Friday the flight restriction was reduced to permit general aviation traffic into Long Lake, Willow Lake and the Willow Airport. For specific information about Temporary Flight Restrictions, visit
