Matanuska-Susitna Borough

Public Works efforts on Slippery Roads

Mat-Su | Patty Sullivan | Wednesday, November 13, 2013

MAT-SU— Matanuska-Susitna Borough Public Works Director Terry Dolan reports that our road crews were ready to respond to the recent freezing rain last night and today.  The National Weather Service extended the Freezing Rain Advisory until noon Thursday Nov. 14.  This freezing rain is expected to change to isolated rain and snow showers by this afternoon.  With temperatures near the freezing point, roads may be slick, and drivers should continue to drive cautiously.

Roads with a small amount of snow on them before the rain, faired best because glare ice or black ice could not form directly on the road surface.  As a result we are intentionally leaving a small amount of snow mixed with sand and crushed rock chips on some roads in the higher elevations.  We plan to plow those roads off late today.  That plowing will be followed by sanding and chipping to ensure good traction. Roads at lower elevations with little or no soft snow became dangerous very quickly when the freezing rain started.  Crews have been sanding and chipping all night and will continue to do so until the freezing rain ends later today.

Please drive carefully if you must drive.  Slow down and watch for others who may not be able to stop, especially at intersections.  Expect to see State, Borough and City road maintenance equipment working these roads.  We will get the ice cleaned up as quickly as possible.  Please call the Road Maintenance Hotline at 745-9826 if you see major trouble spot, Dolan reports.

Otto Feather, MAT-SU Deputy Director of Fire Services, reports that fire chiefs added shifts in anticipation of increased rescue calls.

