Matanuska-Susitna Borough

FY25 Budget Adopted by the Assembly

Mat-Su | Stefan Hinman | Thursday, May 09, 2024

The Matanuska-Susitna Borough Fiscal Year 2025 budget was adopted by the Borough Assembly at the May 9, 2024 meeting. The areawide mill rate was set at 8.748, and a non-areawide mill rate of .380. The areawide mill rate is the second lowest mill rate in the past 35 years.

The average single-family residential home value increased by 4.3% this tax year. This is significantly lower than the previous two years, which saw 9.8% and 13.3% increases. The average single-family residential tax bill will see an increase in areawide taxes of $257 over the previous year.

The approved budget sustains essential services while allocating additional resources to meet the rising demands in areas like emergency medical services and transportation, largely driven by population growth. The approved budget included a 3% increase to schools for local education funding. In addition to the local education operating funding, the Borough included $2.1 million in capital funding to address school deferred maintenance. The Borough capital budget also allocated funding to address ongoing maintenance needs for public safety, transportation, and select parks and recreational needs. Infrastructure investments made now are intended to reduce the need for future debt.

The Assembly made a total of thirteen amendments, including a few lowering the areawide mill rate. Community clean-up resourcing continued to be emphasized, including $75,000 allocated for junk vehicle removal and another $75,000 for property clean-up. 



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